Science fiction author Michael Casher dusts the cobwebs off previously unused sections of his brain.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rain Through Window

The best thing about the "magic" of a rainy drive through the woods is that you don't get wet and you get an "enchanted" vision of nature that is absolutely real. The best things in life are always free and they're always real.

Author's Note: This isn't the way this scene would look if you took a picture of it with a camera. It isn't a photograph. It's a painting of a childhood memory. It doesn't matter if it's a pine forest or where it is. It might have been nowhere at all or just anywhere. This is not even what a boy saw. This is what he remembered seeing. There's a big difference between what the camera sees and what a childhood memory is all about. There's more of the past here than there is of the present and more feelings and expressed emotions than there is technical skill. That's why it's called art.

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