Science fiction author Michael Casher dusts the cobwebs off previously unused sections of his brain.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Trilogy Revelations

For anyone who might think that the three works of The Evermore Trilogy are nothing more than a seriocomical lightweight adventure and, therefore, an unimportant work of fiction, I offer the following thematic clues about them.

First of all, the three books comprising The Evermore Trilogy fit the definition of a trilogy because they contain some of the same characters and share these basic themes:

1) alien intrusion into human lives

2) the power and importance of "making a choice"

3) fate vs. destiny concepts

4) the folly of unbridled ambition.

But the most salient feature in each work is the single major revelation contained within. Evermore contains a revelation about "the source of life, itself", Time and Time Again offers a revelation about "the true nature of time and space" and Providence presents a unique insight into "the reality of life after death".

Someone once said, "Never judge a book by its cover." Truer words have never been spoken.