Few people have heard the story that the Milky Way galaxy was created as an experimental universe called "Nebadon" where copies of the God pattern were "created in his image" and infused with life force and nurtured according to a plan set up by Christ Michael (also called Jesus Christ, who is one of over 100,000 sons of God and the real creator of our galaxy and everything in it), the Ancients of Days (the so-called rulers of the super universe called "Orvonton" — a collection of galaxies that the Milky Way galaxy is part of — and the executioners of our souls if we are not good and proper slaves), the 24 Elders, the Dalamatia 100 and a host of other so-called "celestial beings" and entities who work for and worship the "Universal Father" in Paradise (a theoretical supreme being/personality/force/center, etc. that no one has ever proven the existence of or seen).
Whew! I know it sure doesn't sound like a kid's Sunday School bible story or a passage from some story book but it also sounds weird enough to be true. In fact, it sounds more like science fiction or maybe even real science than religion, to me. Science and religion are, in fact, inseparable, just like time and space. And that's been the truth's fatal flaw since the dawn of civilization. That the truth would be so terrible that hardly anyone could accept it. Except me and, hopefully, many others who dare to challenge authority when it's perverse and not in everyone's best interests. That's right, if this world isn't for everyone to have a decent life experience in, then it needs to be made into a world that is fit for everybody.
Yeah, it's bad enough that powerful, celestial beings just might control our human destiny, instead of we, ourselves, and I suppose some people might think that it's better to have good and powerful allies than to sweat and toil like slaves under the thumb of those in the Illuminati Inner Circle, who have "lived deliciously" with the earth for eons. These planetary powers-that-be are often called the Illuminati or the New World Order or the global power elite or the "Inner Circle" and that usually suggests to us that their ultimate purpose is to control everything on Earth, from finance to the media.
As a matter of fact, the Inner Circle controls virtually everything now and they hold prestigious seats of power in organizations that we think are merely political, religious or social and are therefore relatively harmless. Too bad the so-called "creators" and all the powerful "good guys" are capable of doing nothing except watching and making notes, like impotent or detached observers. Didn't anyone see the Star Trek episode, The Squire of Gothos? Didn't anybody see the movie, They Live? There's more truth than fiction there. Start paying attention to the world around you.
These are the folks making up The Bilderberger Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, the Council of 13, The Trilateral Commission, The Freemasons (especially the 35th Degree Masons), The Skull & Bones Society, the Knights Templar, The Bohemian Club, The Ordo Templi Orientis and the Vatican element still loyal to the Melchizedek order. And these are just the most visible groups that I know of.
But they couldn't get away with the things they do without your help. Stupid people are their favorite food. They fill your heads with rot from Hollywood, Madison Avenue, the publishing media and the Internet and you gobble it up like rats eating food pellets in a cage. If it's on TV you crave it, cherish it, even idolize it. They've been winning for untold ages because of stupid, lazy people who forget what their first duty as free thinkers in a free society is. Our duty as intelligent human beings is to always question authority and to challenge authority when we think it's not in everyone's best interest.
And, as for you so-called "gods" who are nothing more than the oldest beings in the "master universe" and who think you have a right to tinker with natural life-forces whenever you feel like it, I'm going to personally take you all out of the big picture myself. You hideous, sick, perverted, Nazi-loving bastards. And just how do I plan to do that? Simply by becoming a better person than any of you will ever live to be.
Author's Update, April 13, 2014: In the fall of 2013 I finally decided to read The Castle by Franz Kafka (yes, the German author who also wrote "The Metamorphosis"), a book I bought at a Harrisburg outlet called Ollie's in 1995. I highly recommend "The Castle", if you can get through it and stomach the contents. Most people think "The Castle" is a tale about the nightmare of government bureaucracy but I think Kafka knew more about the real powers-that-be, the ones that truly hide from us and tinker with our lives so our true destiny is buried beneath the fate they construct for us. What this also means is that most people would rather be titillated by deception and lies than be enlightened by the truth. Which makes most people their own worst enemy. In April 2014 I taped a 1974 movie off Turner Classic Movies (TCM) called Zardoz, starring Sean Connery. If you can stomach the cheesy production qualities (including Sean Connery in a ridiculous jock-strap costume) and the disturbing, lascivious treatment that creepy writer, producer, director John Boorman gave this otherwise visionary film, I recommend this movie for anyone who's not afraid to face the unfortunate reality that sick, twisted, incompetent "immortal" beings are having fun with us, for their amusement only. Proof that NO ONE should live forever.
(re-posted from Thinker's Corner. Formerly entitled Good-Bye "Inner Circle")
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