Science fiction author Michael Casher dusts the cobwebs off previously unused sections of his brain.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Video for "Blind Fool Running"

This winter I still plan to publish my second literary novella, The Truth Is a Lone Assassin, but a lot of people don't know anything about my first literary novella, Blind Fool Running. So I made a new promotional video for it in January 2013 and this is it.

I'm primarily a science fiction author but I also write "literary science fiction" under the pen name Jonco Bugos. When my second novella is out in paperback and "Live" in Amazon's Kindle Store I'll post the new video for that book on at least one of my blogs (the footer at A Portrait of the Author as an old Man) and I'll embed it on the "News" page at and on the Jonco Bugos Page at Science Fiction for, from the SciFiforThinkers Channel at YouTube.

Like most book "movies", this video is good, but the book is even better. Thanks for watching. Post Updated 3-10-13 to add video links for "The Truth Is a Lone Assassin"

Saturday, January 05, 2013

German News Reel

The New York Times keeps updating the original news story to make it appear more like a touchy-feely, "we are the world" kind of story each time, instead of the nightmare it really is. It's changed since I first read it today and I decided to go after the Times and Germany for lying their goddamn asses off to the entire world. Who in the hell do you think you are?

Jesus Christ! Doesn't anybody remember the 20th Century and the untold buckets of inhumane, criminal SHIT the goddamn Germans put the entire world through? Well, you'd better remember it or you'll be part of the Fourth Reich before you know it. The Germans cannot be trusted with a military role. Not now and not ever. They're lying their goddamn asses off to us just like Hitler did to them. Wake up world!

I used to respect The New York Times for its penetrating, tenacious, truth-seeking newshounds but now it's become just another liberal ass-kissing rag like all the rest (except for the L.A. Times). I'll be sure to read more of the L.A. Times and less of this Big Apple Pussy Paper.

The book,  If You Survive by George Wilson, is a MUST READ for All Americans and for everybody who thinks Germany should ever have a military role in the world again, anywhere. This true account of the horrors of war ought to be required reading in every American high school history class. If you were ever cat-fascinated by Germans in uniform, like a lot of sick, twisted freaks, read this book about the real Nazi plague and how an awful lot good people died eradicating it. Let's not subject the world to any more Germans in uniform.