Traffic to and to Michael Casher's Store at has not yet increased significantly. However, time will tell.
But I have been contacted by a self-publishing ezine to be spotlighted in an upcoming issue and that's a start. I sent them the requested information and time will also tell if they are still interested.
(Author's note, August 18, 2006: I was featured in the October 2005 issue of SelfPublisher News and then the ezine went out of business shortly thereafter. Too bad, because it was a pretty good article and it had a picture of yours truly and everything. (that old, stock book cover is no longer available, however). Anyway, I want to thank the publisher, Milton Stern, for taking the time to feature an unknown Appalachian author like me in his great-looking ezine while it lasted. A link to this SelfPublisher News article about me can be found on the Home page of Science Fiction for Thinkers, my official website.
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