Anyway, posting on an online forum is something I rarely do because when you comment on some website's online forum, your name and info gets used for that website's SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Yep, you'll help increase their search engine rank.
That's right. Instead of seeing your name in Google Search for what you want, you'll also be seeing it for what they want. But, I felt this topic was worth the trade-off. (I caught myself playing the good-guy role again). Here's a transcript of my comment:
"I'm almost certain that this IBA Opt-Out is basically another way for Google to spy on our Internet activities. Cookies-In or Cookies-Out, The Big G will know even more about us now than they did before. I'm also convinced that our demographics-in or demographics-out will make a great citizen profile package for the NSA, the FBI and even the CIA.
Our opting-in or opting-out of Google Spyware (let's face it, a cookie IS spyware and it's never a free treat) will make us all accomplices in corporate spying for the federal government. And who do you think the feds report to? Hmmm? But that's another story altogether. Yep, more greenback doggie bags for Switzerland and The Caymans. Our tax dollars tapped for more black-ops. And we helped."
*WARNING! Clicking on the above link today CRASHED my DELL PC because of an outdated BIOS that does not match the Intel Celeron D motherboard that is supposed to be inside my DELL B110 desktop. But there is no Intel board inside my PC. I had an Intel(R) Board ID Tool verify that for me a few minutes ago. So, proceed at your own risk. Google changed the link anyway to hide THEIR lying-ass shit. Jesus H. Christ, what a goddamn lying-ass world. Everyday the lies and deception from the most "trusted" American companies gets worse and worse. People, avoid DELL like the plague. And only use Google Chrome to "view websites" and be very careful about what online companies you give access to your online information. The real danger is from within, not from the outside. The real danger is from the "trusted" sites. Somebody give me a goddamn ray gun. 11-13-11
Author's Update 10-25-11: As you can see, the insufferable sneaky-ass cowards at Google removed the destination URL of the above comment link. BEWARE PEOPLE! This is the last time I'll ever warn the public about what's going on behind your backs. You're on your own now. Good luck.
Author's Update 9-28-11: And, yeppir, I posted it as "Michael Casher" and that's the way it showed until today, 9-28-11. Then my name mysteriously changed to "anonymous". Hmmm. Looks like more black-ops crap to me.